sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Death Grips - Bottomless Pit (2016)


The new album of DE4TH GRIP$. Is a fucking reata (dick in spanish)

1. Giving Bad People Good Ideas
2. Hot Head
3. Spikes
4. Warping
5. Eh
6. Bubbles Buried in this Jungle
7. Trash
8. Houdini
9. BB Poison
10. Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood
11. Ring a Bell
12. 80808
13. Bottomless Pit

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016

Porter - Moctezuma (2014)


1. Murciélago
2. M Bosque
3. Huitzil
4. La China
5. Rincón Yucateco
6. Huracancún
7. Tzunami
8. Palapa

Split: Walle / Nazareno El Violento (2011)

These insane mexican bands will make explode your head.
Irregular dissonant chords, speed, weird feelings,
what else do you want?
-Jean Fvk
1. Walle - La 14
2. Walle - La 20
3. Nazareno El Violento - Estatuas en discordia 
4. Nazareno El Violento - Obituario de guerra